Helicobacter Pylori Symptoms

By Blazma

Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria that infects the stomach and leads to the development of ulcers and inflammations in the lining of the stomach or the upper part of the small intestine. Here are the main symptoms of H. pylori in detail. 

Helicobacter pylori Symptoms

Most individuals infected with Helicobacter pylori do not experience any symptoms, as the bacterium itself does not cause noticeable symptoms. 

However, this bacterium can inflict damage to the inner lining of the stomach, leading to various complications that, in turn, result in a diverse range of digestive symptoms. 

The person may suffer from gastritis, peptic ulcers, or stomach cancer as complications of Helicobacter pylori. 

  • Mild Gastritis Symptoms

Usually, mild gastritis flare-ups cause the following symptoms:

  1. Bloating.
  2. Nausea.
  3. Vomiting.
  4. Mild belching.
  5. Mild abdominal pain and discomfort.
  • Peptic Ulcer and Acute Gastritis Symptoms

Individuals with peptic ulcers or acute gastritis may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Persistent or burning pain in the abdomen, specifically in the area below the ribs and above the navel. The pain may come and go and can worsen when the stomach is empty.
  2. Bloating and nausea.
  3. Continuous vomiting, with the vomit occasionally having a red color, or it may resemble ground coffee.
  4. Dark-colored or tar-like stools.
  5. Feeling full after consuming a small amount of food.
  6. Loss of appetite and unexplained weight loss.
  7. Other symptoms may include diarrhea, a burning sensation in the stomach, and foul breath.
  • Stomach Cancer Symptoms

Although stomach cancer is rare, the risk increases for individuals infected with Helicobacter pylori. The prominent symptoms of stomach cancer include:

  1. Loss of appetite.
  2. Unexplained weight loss.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Feeling full after consuming a small amount of food.
  5. Appearance of blood in the stool.
  6. Abdominal swelling.
  7. A sensation of pain or discomfort in the abdomen.
  8. Fatigue and weakness.
  • Symptoms Requiring Medical Attention

It is essential to seek immediate medical care if the following symptoms occur:

  1. Difficulty swallowing.
  2. Appearance of blood in the stool.
  3. Black or tarry stools.
  4. Black-colored vomiting.
  5. Development of anemia.

Helicobacter pylori Diagnosis 

Many symptoms associated with peptic ulcers, gastritis, and other conditions related to Helicobacter pylori can be caused by other issues. Therefore, consulting a doctor is essential if any of these symptoms appear. The doctor may request a breath, stool, or blood test to diagnose Helicobacter pylori infection.

1. Helicobacter pylori Breath Test

This test, known as the "urea breath test," involves exhaling into a balloon-like bag. The exhaled carbon dioxide is measured in this bag. Then, the individual is asked to drink a small amount of a solution containing urea. After 15 minutes of consuming the solution, they exhale into another bag, and the amount of carbon dioxide in the second bag is measured. If the carbon dioxide level in the second sample is higher than the first, the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection is confirmed. This is because Helicobacter pylori breaks down urea, releasing more carbon dioxide.

Blazma provides the Helicobacter pylori-urea breath test to detect the infection.

2. Helicobacter pylori Stool Test

This test can reveal Helicobacter pylori infection by measuring antigens, which are proteins produced by Helicobacter pylori and present in the stool. 

You can undergo the Helicobacter pylori Ag stool test offered by Blazma, and it does not require specific conditions before conducting it.

3. Helicobacter pylori Blood Tests

Blood tests are used to detect antibodies to Helicobacter pylori in the blood. Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system when exposed to harmful foreign substances, such as Helicobacter pylori. 

Blood tests can determine the presence of antibodies to Helicobacter pylori, but they cannot determine whether the infection is current or has been treated. This is because the test may remain positive for several years after treatment. 

Blazma provides the Helicobacter pylori antibody tests, including IgM, IgG, and IgA.

These diagnostic tests are crucial in identifying Helicobacter pylori infection and tailoring appropriate treatment plans.

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