The Main Causes of Heart Palpitations

By Blazma

Heart palpitations are a common health issue. One study revealed that 16% of individuals visiting a doctor experience heart palpitations as a primary reason for their visit. It also indicated that it is the second most common cause for cardiology appointments. In the following article, we will discuss the causes of heart palpitations in detail.

Causes of Heart Palpitations

The causes of heart palpitations range from simple factors such as lack of sleep to more serious reasons like experiencing issues in the heart muscle or another part of the body. The following provides further clarification on these causes: 

  • Lifestyle Triggers

The cause of heart palpitations may be related to the individual's lifestyle. The following highlights lifestyle factors that contribute to this:

  1. Nicotine: Nicotine found in cigarettes and other tobacco products increases blood pressure and causes heart palpitations. Nicotine withdrawal from the body after quitting smoking can also lead to heart palpitations, but it typically resolves within 3-4 weeks after quitting.
  2. Intense Exercise: It is natural for the heart to beat faster during intense exercises such as fast running, as it pumps more blood to supply energy to the muscles during the workout.
  3. Alcohol: Consuming excessive or even moderate amounts of alcohol can lead to heart palpitations.
  4. Caffeine: Caffeine raises the heart rate, causing heart palpitations. Therefore, consuming coffee, soda, energy drinks, tea, chocolate, or any other source of caffeine can result in heart palpitations.
  5. Other Causes: These include lack of sleep and excessive fatigue.
  • Psychological or Emotional Triggers

It is natural for stress, tension, panic, anxiety, fear, or exposure to shock or nervousness to cause heart palpitations. These emotions trigger the release of hormones that accelerate the heart rate, preparing the body to face a threat even if it is not in immediate danger. 

  • Medications and Drugs

Side effects of some medications are also causes of heart palpitations. Examples include: 

  1. Certain antibiotics and antifungal medications.
  2. Antipsychotic medications.
  3. Cold and congestion medications.
  4. Asthma inhalers.
  5. Blood pressure medications.
  6. Thyroid medications.
  7. Weight loss medications.
  8. Some dietary supplements and herbs.

Additionally, drugs such as amphetamines and cocaine can cause heart palpitations. Cocaine raises blood pressure and heart rate, while amphetamines stimulate the nervous system and increase heart rate.

  • Hormonal Changes

Heart palpitations may accelerate during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, perimenopause, or menopause due to hormonal fluctuations. 

  • Heart Conditions

One of the more serious causes of heart palpitations is the presence of heart conditions such as:

  1. Cardiomyopathy.
  2. Heart valve disease.
  3. Arrhythmia.
  4. Congestive heart failure.
  • Other Medical Conditions

In some cases, the following medical conditions can also cause heart palpitations: 

  1. Hyperthyroidism.
  2. Low blood sugar.
  3. Anemia due to iron deficiency.
  4. Blood loss.
  5. Fever.
  6. Infections.
  7. Dehydration.
  8. Sleep apnea.
  9. Low oxygen or carbon dioxide levels in the blood.

When Should You Visit the Doctor?

While most causes of heart palpitations are non-serious and rarely require treatment, it is essential to see a doctor if the following symptoms occur in addition to heart palpitations: 

  • Feeling discomfort or pain in the chest.
  • Fainting.
  • Severe shortness of breath.
  • Severe dizziness.

Palpitations accompanied by any of the above signs may be indicative of a more serious heart problem that requires medical attention.

It is also crucial to visit the doctor if heart palpitations occur frequently or worsen over time.

The doctor will inquire about the medical history and details of the patient's symptoms, diet, and medications. They may request various tests, such as blood and urine tests, electrocardiography (ECG), and echocardiography.

Blazma provides all the blood and urine tests your doctor may request, such as a Complete blood count (CBC) to detect anemia, thyroid tests package, Diabetes Checkup Package, and more.

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