Monkeypox Symptoms

By Blazma

Have you heard about Monkeypox (Mpox) and are wondering what its symptoms are? Continue reading this article to learn about the symptoms of Monkeypox and how to diagnose it in detail.

What are the Monkeypox symptoms?

Monkeypox is a rare disease caused by the Monkeypox virus. It has spread in Central and West Africa but has also appeared in other parts of the world. The main symptoms of Monkeypox include:

  • Initial Symptoms

The initial symptoms of Monkeypox usually resemble those of the flu. Patients may experience all or some of the following symptoms:

  1. Headache.
  2. Fever.
  3. Muscle and back pain.
  4. Swollen lymph nodes.
  5. Joint pain.
  6. Chills.
  7. Fatigue and exhaustion.
  8. Respiratory symptoms, such as sore throat, nasal congestion, and cough.
  • Skin Rash

The rash typically appears 1-5 days after the initial symptoms. It begins on the face and mouth, then spreads to other parts of the body, including the hands, feet, chest, penis, vagina, testicles, labia, or anus. It is characterized by the following:

  1. Starts as flat, red bumps that can be painful and may be confused with chickenpox.
  2. Bumps turn into pus-filled blisters.
  3. Eventually, the blisters crust over and fall off.

The severity of the rash varies among individuals. Some may have only one or a few lesions, while others may have hundreds. Additionally, some people may experience painful swelling of the rectum and pain and difficulty when urinating.

When do symptoms appear after infection?

The incubation period for the virus is 5-21 days, meaning the first symptoms typically appear between 5-21 days after infection.

Do All Patients Experience the Same Symptoms?

In reality, the pattern of symptom appearance varies among infected individuals, and it can manifest in different ways:

  • Some people initially experience flu-like symptoms and then develop a rash.
  • Some may not develop a rash at all after experiencing flu-like symptoms.
  • Others may only have a rash without any other symptoms, or symptoms may appear later after the rash.
  • Some individuals may be infected without realizing they are.

Is Monkeypox Contagious?

A patient can transmit the virus to others from the onset of symptoms until the rash is completely healed and a fresh layer of skin has formed. Even if the patient does not exhibit many signs and symptoms, it is possible to spread the infection to others through prolonged contact.

How Long Do Symptoms Last?

Monkeypox symptoms usually last between 2 to 4 weeks, but they may persist longer in individuals with weakened immune systems.

How is Monkeypox Diagnosed?

Due to its rarity, a doctor might initially suspect measles or chickenpox. However, swollen lymph nodes distinguish monkeypox from other diseases.

Typically, the doctor will request a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test on a tissue sample taken from an open sore lesions or blisters. 

They may also request a blood test to check for the presence of mpox virus or antibodies to exclude other diseases and confirm a monkeypox diagnosis.

If your doctor requests tests for chickenpox or measles to rule out these conditions, Blazma offers various tests for detection, including Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) Ab-IgM, Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) Ab-IgG, or Rubella Ab-IgM, which do not require any specific preparations.

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