What Causes Low Blood Pressure?

By Blazma

Although low blood pressure often isn't a cause for concern, it can be associated with health problems that may be life-threatening. Therefore, it is essential to understand the causes of low blood pressure and how to identify the underlying cause. 

Causes of Low Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure is defined as a reading below 90/60. In reality, low blood pressure readings that are not accompanied by symptoms are not usually a concern, especially in healthy individuals. Blood pressure fluctuates throughout the day and is influenced by body position, breathing patterns, medications, food and drink, stress, physical condition, and even the time of day.

However, severe drops in blood pressure accompanied by symptoms may indicate an underlying health problem. Here are some of the main causes of low blood pressure: 

  • Medications

Some medications can cause low blood pressure, including: 

  1. All blood pressure medicines, including diuretics like furosemide, alpha-blockers like prazosin, and beta-blockers like atenolol.
  2. Parkinson's disease medicines such as pramipexole and those containing levodopa.
  3. Erectile dysfunction medicines like sildenafil, especially when taken with the heart medication nitroglycerin.
  4. Certain antidepressants, including tricyclic antidepressants like doxepin.
  • Medical Conditions

Health conditions that can cause low blood pressure include:

  1. Heart and heart valve diseases: Heart attacks, heart failure, and heart valve diseases can lead to low blood pressure.
  2. Hormonal disorders: Conditions like Addison's disease, hypoglycemia, diabetes, and hypothyroidism can cause low blood pressure.
  3. Nervous system disorders: Some neurological disorders, such as Parkinson's disease, can lead to low blood pressure.
  4. Serious medical conditions: Conditions like sepsis or severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) can cause acute low blood pressure.
  5. Significant blood loss: Major blood loss due to trauma, severe internal bleeding, or a significant accident can result in a sharp drop in blood pressure.
  • Other Causes

Other causes of low blood pressure include: 

  1. Pregnancy: Blood vessels expand rapidly during pregnancy, which may cause low blood pressure, especially during the first 24 weeks. Bleeding and other pregnancy complications can also lower blood pressure.
  2. Dehydration: When the body doesn't get enough water, blood volume decreases, which can lower blood pressure. Severe vomiting and diarrhea or overuse of diuretics can lead to dehydration.
  3. Nutritional deficiencies: Deficiencies in folic acid and vitamin B12 can lead to anemia, which in turn causes low blood pressure.
  4. Alcohol consumption: Drug abuse and alcohol consumption can cause a temporary drop in blood pressure.
  5. Extreme temperatures: Exposure to extreme heat or cold affects blood pressure and can cause it to drop.
  6. Prolonged bed rest: Extended periods of bed rest or long durations of standing can lead to low blood pressure.

How is Low Blood Pressure Diagnosed?

Diagnosing low blood pressure itself is easy; it involves measuring blood pressure with a device. However, identifying the causes of low blood pressure is challenging, especially if the drop in pressure is accompanied by other symptoms. In such cases, a doctor may recommend the following tests:

  • Blood and urine tests

These tests can identify specific problems that may cause low blood pressure, such as:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Vitamin deficiencies.
  3. Thyroid and hormone issues.
  4. Anemia.
  5. Pregnancy.
  • Imaging

If heart or lung problems are suspected, the doctor might request imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs. 

Blazma offers various laboratory tests that a doctor may request, including thyroid tests package, vitamin tests package, anemia package, and diabetes tests, among many others, which can help diagnose health issues that might be causing low blood pressure.

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