Pregnancy Test Codes and Their Interpretations

By Blazma

During pregnancy, doctors request a range of tests and procedures that provide comprehensive information about the condition of both the mother and the fetus, helping ensure a safe pregnancy. In this article, we will explain the codes used in pregnancy tests and their Interpretations.

Pregnancy Test Codes and Their Interpretations

Pregnancy tests encompass a variety of examinations and analyses performed to confirm pregnancy and assess the health and condition of both the mother and the fetus throughout the pregnancy. Below, we will explain some common pregnancy test codes and their Interpretations.

Codes for Confirming Pregnancy Tests

Generally, pregnancy confirmation tests detect the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in the blood, a hormone produced during pregnancy. High levels of this hormone in the blood confirm pregnancy.

From the onset of pregnancy, the body undergoes numerous changes to support the cells that will develop into the fetus. One of the earliest changes is the rapid increase in hCG levels. These levels start to rise as soon as the fertilized egg implants in the uterus, usually within 6-10 days of conception, and continue to increase during the first trimester and into the second trimester.

The code (β-hCG/Beta-hCG) in the analysis refers to the level of hCG hormone or pregnancy hormone.

In addition to blood tests, a home pregnancy test can be conducted, which measures the amount of hCG in the urine. The presence of the hormone in urine, indicated by two lines on the test device, confirms pregnancy, while a single line indicates no pregnancy.

Codes for Monitoring Pregnancy Tests

As part of routine prenatal care, doctors request various tests and analyses of blood, urine, or fluids taken from the vagina, cervix, or rectum to assess the condition of the pregnancy and the health of the mother and fetus. These tests help detect conditions that may increase the risk of complications and manage them accordingly. Here are some common pregnancy test codes and their Interpretations:

  1. Routine Blood Tests

One of the essential tests from the beginning of pregnancy until delivery is the complete blood count (CBC), which measures the number of different types of blood cells. For example, the following codes from this test indicate:

  • WBC/White Blood Cells: Elevated levels indicate infection.
  • PLT/Platelets: Important for evaluating blood clotting.
  • Hb/Hemoglobin: Important for assessing anemia.

Another type of blood test is the blood type and Rh factor analysis. During the first trimester, a blood test is conducted to determine the blood type (A, B, or O) and the Rh factor, a protein found on the surface of red blood cells. The presence of this protein indicates a positive Rh factor, while its absence indicates a negative Rh factor. This test is crucial to avoid severe future complications.

Other blood tests conducted during pregnancy include glucose level measurements. Here are their codes and significance:

  • FBS/Fasting Blood Sugar: Important for assessing the risk of gestational diabetes.
  • OGTT/Oral Glucose Tolerance Test: Important for diagnosing gestational diabetes.

Additionally, the doctor may request other blood tests, such as:

  • Ferritin: Measures iron stores.
  • Vitamin D level: Detects vitamin D levels in the blood.
  • Infectious diseases screen: Blood tests to detect immunity against diseases like syphilis, hepatitis, rubella, and HIV.
  • NIPT/Non-invasive prenatal testing: A blood test that helps assess the risk of the fetus having certain genetic disorders.
  1. Routine Urine Tests

Here are the main codes for pregnancy urine tests (urinalysis) and their Interpretations:

  • RBC/Red blood cells: Presence indicates urinary tract problems.
  • WBC/White Blood Cells: Presence indicates a urinary tract infection.
  • Glucose: May indicate gestational diabetes.
  • Protein: Levels may indicate kidney problems or preeclampsia.

The doctor may also request a urine culture to determine the type of bacteria in case of urinary tract infections.

  1. Other Tests

In addition to the above tests, the doctor may request the following procedures during pregnancy:

  • Chorionic villus sampling: Detects genetic disorders and chromosomal diseases.
  • Amniocentesis: Analyzes amniotic fluid to detect genetic abnormalities.

Blazma offers all the pregnancy tests a doctor might request, including the Beta-hCG test, NIPT, Glucose Random-Urine, Total Protein- 24 hour Urine, and others.

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