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Sample Type : Blood
Home visit
Certified Labs from the minstry of Heath
Smart report with readable charts and graphs.
Yanbouh St, Daharat Laban - 145KM
A triglycerides test measures the amount of triglycerides in your blood. Triglycerides are a type of fat in your body. If you eat more calories than you need, the extra calories are changed into triglycerides. These triglycerides are stored in your fat cells for later use. When your body needs energy, triglycerides are released into your bloodstream to provide fuel for your muscles to work. If you eat more calories than you burn off, especially calories from carbohydrates and fats, you may get high triglyceride levels in your blood. High triglycerides may put you at greater risk for a heart attack or stroke.
Labs are CIBAHI and CAP certified, guaranteeing the highest standards of quality in every test we conduct.
Certified from HIBA. Guaranteeing the highest standards of providing secure, confidential, and reliable services
A comprehensive smart report with easy and readable graphs and charts to simplify test result reading.
Well-selected and qualified lab technicians to serve you at your home
Get to know our services or find answers to any lingering questions, right here, right now.