How Is HIV Transmitted?

By Blazma

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is one of the most concerning diseases worldwide, often surrounded by misconceptions, especially regarding its transmission methods. This article will detail the ways HIV is transmitted and provide practical prevention tips.

How HIV Is Transmitted?

For HIV, the virus responsible for AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), to be transmitted from one person to another, three specific conditions must be met:

  1. Direct Contact with Specific Body Fluids: These fluids from an HIV-positive individual include:

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  • Blood.
  • Vaginal fluids.
  • Semen and pre-seminal fluid.
  • Breast milk.
  • Rectal fluids.
  1. A Detectable Viral Load: The person with HIV has a high enough viral load for transmission to occur.

  2. Entry of HIV into the Bloodstream: The virus must enter the uninfected person’s bloodstream through:

  • Mucous membranes (e.g., rectum, vagina, penis tip, or mouth).
  • Open cuts or sores.
  • Direct injection (e.g., shared needles).

Based on these factors, the ways HIV is transmitted can be categorized according to their frequency:

  • Common Ways HIV Is Transmitted

The most common methods of HIV transmission include:

  1. Unprotected Vaginal or Anal Sex: Engaging in sexual activity without using a condom properly or without taking medication to prevent or treat HIV significantly increases the risk of transmission.
  2. Sharing Needles or Injection Equipment: This is particularly common among individuals who use injectable drugs and share needles, which can carry blood containing the virus.
  • Less Common Ways HIV Is Transmitted

Though less frequent, HIV can also be transmitted through:

  1. Mother-to-Child Transmission: A pregnant woman with HIV can pass the virus to her baby during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.
  2. Needlestick Injuries in Healthcare Settings: Healthcare workers and patients can be exposed to HIV through accidental needlestick injuries or contact with sharp objects contaminated with the virus.
  • Rare Ways HIV Is Transmitted

In very rare cases, HIV transmission can occur through:

  1. Contaminated Blood Transfusions or Organ Transplants: While this was a risk in the past, stringent screening measures for blood and organs have made this method of transmission extremely rare today.
  2. Bites from an HIV-Positive Person: Transmission may occur if the bite causes severe tissue damage, and the HIV-positive individual has bleeding gums or mouth sores.
  3. Deep, open-mouth kissing: This can happen if both partners have open sores or bleeding gums, allowing blood from the infected partner to enter the other's bloodstream. Saliva alone cannot transmit HIV.
  4. Chewed Food: In rare cases, pre-chewed food mixed with the HIV-positive caregiver’s blood may transmit the virus to infants.

Ways HIV Is NOT Transmitted

To dispel common misconceptions, here are methods through which HIV cannot be transmitted:

  • Saliva.
  • Tears. 
  • Sweat.
  • Urine, or feces (unless mixed with infected blood).
  • Shaking hands, hugging, or casual physical contact.
  • Sharing food, utensils, towels, or bedding.
  • Air or water.
  • Insect bites, including mosquitoes and ticks.
  • Using the same bathroom or swimming pool.
  • Sharing phones or other personal items.
  • Contact with unbroken, healthy skin.

Tips for Preventing HIV

Now that the transmission methods are clear, here are some effective ways to reduce the risk of contracting HIV:

  • Use Condoms Properly: Always use male or female condoms during sexual intercourse to create a protective barrier against the virus.
  • Avoid High-Risk Sexual Behavior: avoiding unethical sexual practices can reduce exposure risks.
  • Avoid Drug Use: Refrain from using injectable drugs. If necessary, always use clean, sterile needles and do not share injection equipment.
  • Get Tested Regularly: Routine testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can help with early detection and reduce transmission risks.
  • Prevent Mother-to-Child Transmission: Pregnant women with HIV should consult a healthcare provider for antiretroviral therapy to minimize the risk of passing the virus to their babies.

At Blazma Laboratories, a variety of tests are available to detect HIV, including: HIV 1&2 Ag/Abs Combo Test and Qualitative Detection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) RNA by Real Time - PCR Test

Regular testing and early diagnosis are essential steps to managing HIV and protecting your health.

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