Blazma connect

We’re not just a Lab Information System, we offer a complete end-to-end solution for everything related to your lab.


Blazma Lab Information System

Not just a Lab Information System, Blazma LIS offers a complete end-to-end solution for everything related to your lab.

Book and manage everything with Blazma LIS.

Automation saves you time and money

Integration with government portals/systems (HESN+)

Ideal for all types of labs


Blazma Smart

The Future of Lab test Reports. Blazma Smart is the ultimate solution for all your lab test report needs. The time of bulky reports and wordy explanations is over.

Lab test reports simplified.

Easy and readable format.

Dynamic graphs and charts.

Current and historical results summary.

24/7 accessible and ready to go.

A comprehensive report in Arabic


Branded Mobile Application

A customizable app made just for you! Fully customize to your own brand that makes the most of the opportunities available with a mobile application.

Book an appointment at your convenience.

Pick the best offers.

Manage Patient Profile and add a family member.

Online Payment

Get Test Results.

Fully Integrated with the LIS.


Branded Web Booking Portal

Offer, Book, and Pay Online

The ability to reach more patients online

Booking portal specialized for your lab.

Present tests and packages offer online.

The ability to book an appointment online.

Online Payment.


Self-Booking Service (KIOSK)

Make your visitors book, get e-consultations, and pay by themselves.

Patients can pick the best offers.

Patients can request Tele-medicine service

Online Payments

Fully integrated with the LIS.


Blazma Go ( Logistics )

Blazma Go connects laboratories, hospitals, and clinics with a professional medical logistics service. Your samples get delivered on time, at the right place, and to the right person.

No more lost samples

Lab-to-lab delivery

On-demand services

Fully sample tracking system.


Blazma Care

One-stop platform offering a variety of services to cater to all your health needs. From lab tests, tele- consultations, to homecare services. Blazma Care is the answer to all your health needs.

Searching is easy, and the finding is better.

Best offers before you go anywhere.

Save all your medical information in one place safely.

Smart report for better result understanding.


Let's gets to know each other better

Contact our sales team, get support from our customer success team, or strike up a partnership today.

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Our clients <span style='color:#E35A80;'>reviews</span>

طلبت باقة الفيتامينات و كانت الخدمة متكاملة بالنسبة لي لاني اول مرة اجربهم، كان التعامل لطيف و جو عندي للبيت اخذو العينة و كانت خدمة ممتازة حتى نتيجة الفحص طلعت بوقت سريع و كانو متجاوبين يعطيهم العافية

كانت اول تجربة معاهم وماراح تكون الأخيرة. خدمة ممتازة و تجاوب سريع من خدمة العملاء حتى سحب العينة ما كان معقد و الاخصائية يدها خفيفة.

حجزت باقة الغدة الدرقية وبالعادة اضطر اروح للمختبر و اجدول موعد لكن بلازما سهلت الموضوع و تم سحب العينة من البيت و يشكرون على سرعتهم في اظهار النتيجة و تعاون خدمة العملاء للرد على كل استفساراتي. يعطيهم العافية.

خدمتهم حلوة و سريعة لكن بالنسبة لي افضل شيء يقدمونه هو تقرير العينة باللغة العربية لانها سهلت علي قراءة النتيجة. يشكرون على هالخدمة.

كانت معاناتي دايم في اختيار المختبر و مشوار الروحة له، ف اكثر شيء ناسبني انه عندهم خدمة منزلية وفرو علي جهد و وقت و خدمتهم ممتازة.

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